Facebook Hosts Seventh F8 In San Francisco
F8 2016 kicked off today, with a packed house of more than 2,600 people and hundreds of thousands of people watching via Facebook Live. Mark Zuckerberg kicked the conference off with a keynote detailing Facebook’s 10-year technology roadmap, and the ways those technologies will help bring people together and give everyone a voice.
January 28, 2016Live Video Launched For Public
We’re excited to introduce a new way for you to connect and interact with your favorite public figures on Facebook — through live video. Starting today, public figures can share live video from Facebook Mentions, the app that makes it easy for athletes, musicians, politicians and other influencers to talk with their fans and each other. You can discover these live videos from public figures you follow in your News..
January 28, 201640 Million Active Small Business Pages Of Facebook
There are now more than 40 million active small business Pages on Facebook. As that community continues to grow, we’re committed to helping each business achieve its goals. That’s why earlier this year we launched Ads Manager app and built creative and educational resources for small business marketers. Now we’re announcing two new ways for Facebook marketers to connect with us: our 2015 Boost Your Business program and online chat.
April 19, 2015Messenger Platform Launched At F8
Today at F8, Messenger introduced a platform for developers to easily create apps that integrate with Messenger. Messenger Platform brings even more ways for the 600 million people who use Messenger every month to express themselves. With more than 40 new apps, people can enhance their conversations with GIFs, photos, videos, audio clips and more. The composer is expanding so people can discover creative new apps to enhance their Messenger.
March 25, 2015Facebook Announces Acquisition Of WhatsApp
Facebook today announced that it has reached a definitive agreement to acquire WhatsApp, a rapidly growing cross-platform mobile messaging company, for a total of approximately $16 billion, including $4 billion in cash and approximately $12 billion worth of Facebook shares. The agreement also provides for an additional $3 billion in restricted stock units to be granted to WhatsApp’s founders and employees that will vest over four years subsequent to closing.
February 19, 2014More Than 100 Million People Use Instagram Every Month
Instagram’s first office had few redeeming qualities—and insulation was not one of them. There were only two of us, so we rented desks in a co-working space on a pier over San Francisco Bay. At night, it was common to find us working in winter jackets huddled over our laptops where the air was so cold we could see our breath. It was October 2010 when we launched Instagram, and.
February 26, 2014Introduction Of Like Button
There’s a lot of content my friends have shared on Facebook that’s pretty awesome. For instance, in the last few days I’ve seen photos from a friend’s wedding, an article about U.S. President Obama’s ongoing transition and status updates from a friend traveling in India. We’ve just introduced an easy way to tell friends that you like what they’re sharing on Facebook with one easy click. Wherever you can add.
February 9, 2009Launch Facebook
Mark Zuckerberg and co-founders Dustin Moskovitz, Chris Hughes and Eduardo Saverin launch Facebook.
February 4, 2004